Video Training – Coupons & Promo Codes
The video below explains the different coupons and promo codes, shows you how to set up them up in Anchor, and provides descriptions of each setting option. For the best understanding of coupons & promo codes, watch this video and use the additional information and details on this page as supporting documentation.
Link : Step by Step Video
One-Time Advanced Setup for Coupon Products
Prior to setting up coupons for your business/property, please ensure you have created a “Coupon Product”. This will only need to be created once.
(Required for coupon setups) – LINK: One-Time Advanced Setup for Coupon Products
Step by Step Instructions Based on Coupon/Promo Code Type
There are multiple types of promo codes or coupons scenarios, please review for the best option for the offer you are trying to create:
Non-Unique Promo Codes: These are Standard Promo offers for a percentage or dollar amount off the ticket price. These can be either internal by only your reservations teams or external (such as a Facebook or email blast offer), we will review both options
Unique Coupons / vouchers, Standard – Allows the guest to use a code only one-time. Most commonly used for comp vouchers, but may also be used to extend % or $ discounts as well in which you do not want the code to be able to be passed/shared.
Unique Coupons / Vouchers, with Invoicing– Used to apply 100% discount the guest reservation while also creating an invoice to bill a company (Groupon for example)
LINK: Creating a Unique Coupon / Voucher Code – With Invoicing
NOTE: if you are going to set up a Coupon with this functionality you must have the Company added to Anchor’s Company section prior to building the coupon codes.
X for X – Such as a 2 for 1 (BOGO) Offer
LINK : Examples of Coupon Setups in Anchor
Coupon Settings Explained

Coupon Name – Internal Name for the coupon
Coupon Code – This is the code that a user will need to type into the Coupon/Voucher Code section upon checkout to get the discount. This field is not case sensitive.
The coupon code is the code that the guest will need to enter into the Coupon/Voucher Code section to get the discount before they check out.

**When creating a Coupon or Promo Code, you can only use alpha numeric characters. No Special characters or spaces are allowed in your codes.**
Discount Type
Percentage – % discount off the base price
Dollar – Fixed dollar amount off the price of the ticket.
X for Y – is a Buy on Get One (BOGO) offer
Set Price
Discount Amount – This is the amount that will be discounted off/reduced from the base price
Unique Coupon
o No = Anyone can use it up to the number of times permitted in the settings
o Yes = One-time use codes will be generated
Maximum usage – Maximum number this coupon can be applied to. On a Non-unique coupon, Leave blank for no limit / On a unique coupon, Leave blank and this will default to one-use. Think of this as the overall usage in the “lifetime” of the coupon.
Minimum in Transaction – Minimum number of items in a booking required for the coupon to be applicable. Leave blank for no limit.
Max in Transaction – Maximum number of items in a booking this coupon can be applied to. If you leave this section blank, all tickets will be discounted regardless of how many are purchased.
For example, if you want to limit the number of tickets in one transaction that can take advantage of the discount to 5 ticket, you can enter the number in this section.
If the booking contains more than 5 tickets, they will still be able to make the booking but the discount will only be deducted from 5 tickets the remainder will be charged full price.
Charge Fees/ Taxes on Full Price – Choose whether you want to charge taxes and fees on the full price or the discounted price.
Select Yes – if you want to charge taxes and feels on full price ticket, not the discounted price.
Select No – if you only want to charge taxes and fees on the discounted rate. (Most Common/Default)
Discount Product (select one)
o No Revenue = ONLY FOR 100% COMP Tickets. This setting should only be selected if there is no revenue generated from the ticket at all. All other ticket types should select Revenue generated.
o Revenue generated (DEFAULT / Most Common)= This means that some revenue will be generated from the ticket after the coupon is applied. Even if the revenue is only $1 you should select this option. This option also applies to coupons such as Groupon Codes where you are going to discount the ticket for the guest upfront but invoice Groupon later for the revenue.
Select Coupon Product – This drop-down will show you the Coupon products that you have setup earlier in your Products section specifically for Coupons. It is a required field and you must select one of the options.
**This Coupon Product is treated as a new ticket line item on the booking when it is applied, but it is built specifically not to impact your capacity. So it is important that your Coupon Product is set up correctly, and that you always select a Coupon Product option. If you select a true ticket product (ie. GA Ticket) you could be selecting a ticket that adds to your capacity and impacts your ability to sell more tickets.
If you see any regular tickets in this field, you will need to go back to your set up and correct the issue.
Coupon Voucher, Coupon/Promo Code Applied, & Groupon are the most common Coupon Product options in this field.
Match Discount Product Allocation
ON – When this is switched on, this will distribute the discounted amount evenly across all allocations that were included in the original ticket.
OFF – If you have a ticket type with more than one allocation (ie, Yacht, Food, Beverage, etc.) and you want to customize where the discounted amount is pull from in your allocations, this option will allow you to tell the system exactly which allocations you want the discounted amount to be subtracted from.
For example, if you have a $100 Dinner Cruise Ticket (base price) and your discount is $10 off the base price, you can choose to pull 100% of the $10 discount from one allocation such as Fare Revenue instead of impacting your F&B allocation. Your percentage for each price allocation could look something like this.
45% for Fare Revenue/Vessel allocation
40% for Food & Beverage allocation
15% for Beverage
0% for Beverage-Liquor
0% for Photo
** If you are taken revenue from multiple allocations, your total percentage distributed between the allocations must equal 100%. The system includes a running total to advise if you have reached your 100% sum, or if there is still an amount left to be accounted for.

INVOICE COMPANY – Utilized when invoicing a company on the back-end whenever a coupon is redeemed. NOTE – the company must already exist in anchor under “Companies” Link: How to Create a Company in Anchor
Select Company – Select GROUPON because this is the company that you are going to be invoicing for this booking.
Enter the price allocation for the Invoice amount in the field below. This is a dollar amount and will be different for each coupon set up. The total of these values will be the amount that Groupon will be invoiced.

Applicable Tours – Select All of the experiences (ie. Dinner Cruise, Brunch Cruise) that the promo discount should be able to be applied to in checkout. As Tours are selected, they will show on the list in Bold to know which you have selected. Any Tour left off of this list will return an invalid error if the code is attempted at checkout.
Applicable Products – Add all of the ticket types (ie. Adult, Child, Senior tickets) that the promo can be applied to in the booking. Any tickets that are in the booking that are not included will be charged at full price. If no applicable tickets are present on the order, it will return an invalid error if the code is attempted at checkout.
Coupon valid if booked between dates – This setting allows you to specify a date range that the coupon is able to be used for a booking. This range is based on the booking date / Order Creation Date, not the experience date. Therefore guests will need to make the booking during this date range to get the discount, or they will be notified that it is invalid. This is not a required field but is recommended that you set some limits to your promotional codes.
Coupon valid for tours* Section
This section allows you to set specific date ranges or events that the coupon/promo can be used on.
Option #1 – By Date Range
Click and highlight the days of the week you want allow the discount.
Then, enter the Event Date ranges that the coupon is going to be valid. You can add multiple ranges if you wish, using “+ Add Event Valid Date Range”. The coupon codes will not work on any dates outside of these ranges.
Options #2 – Specific Events. Enter the date range for the events that you want to search and click SEARCH. A list of events will appear on the right side. Delete any events that you do not want the promo code to apply by clicking the trash can icon on the right.

If you want your coupon code to apply to most of your regular Experiences, but you have some special events that you want to exclude. You also have the option to Exclude Events using the same settings above.
Select Available Sources if you want to limit where this code can be used. Leave this blank if you want it to be available on all channels.

Affect Voucher Capacity – This is based on another feature with Capacities by Booking Channel.
Hide Coupon in Public – For internal Codes, to hide the actual promo code from the guests view select YES.
When you select this option, you will have the option to put in a different label that will be displayed to the customer, that tells them why they got the discount.
Allow Group Cost Rate – YES will allow this discount to be applied to tickets when checking out on a Group Cost Rate. NO will prompt an error if attempting to use this cost rate when checking out as a “Group”

For a Non-Unique Coupon Code, The code now exists & you are done.
If you created a Unique Coupon Code such as Groupon, you will see this screen next. This is where you will be able to generate the unique codes ready for distribution.

Enter the number of unique coupon codes to you want to generate then click GENERATE.
The system will create a CSV file of the unique codes. Click on the download button and open the file.

Below is a sample of the file that is created. Each of the coupon codes are very unique and not easily copied. They are all one time use codes.

How to Generate Additional Codes For An Existing Unique Coupon
If you have a situation where you need to generate more unique coupon codes for an offer that already exists in the system, you do not need to recreate the coupon setup. Follow the steps below to generate more codes using the existing set up.
Go to Coupons in the left side rail and click on COUPONS. All of the coupons that are set up in the account should appear on the page.

All Unique Coupons will have YES in the unique coupon column and an orange tag at the end. You can click on the column headers to sort the columns to make it easier to find the code you are looking for. If you have a lot of codes, use the magnifying glass to search for the code that you are looking for.
Select the Unique Coupon that you want to generate more codes for by clicking on the orange tag symbol on the far right.

Enter the number of coupon codes that you need to generate

A new file will automatically be generated and it will appear in the Download Generated Codes section ready to download.

Accessing, Editing & Navigating Existing Coupons
Coupon icon will only be orange if the coupon code is unique, and you can click on this icon to generate or view the unique codes.
When you have successfully completed setting up your coupon codes you can see the Current Coupons by clicking on COUPONS in the left side rail. A full list of all Coupons will appear. Here you can filter, search, download codes using the functions on the right side of the list.
NOTE: anything that has the orange price tag symbol in the right, this means that it is a unique coupon code.

Search To search for a specific coupon, click on the magnifying glass to open the search bar.
Type in the Coupon Code that you want to look up.
Download a copy of your Promo/Coupons in a CSV file – Click on the cloud icon on the top right of your screen and a copy of you Promo Codes and Coupons will automatically download.
Adjust Columns – If you wish to adjust the columns on the report before downloading you can click on the columns icon and select the fields that you want to see in the report.
Filter – The Triangle Icon allows you to filter the coupon list based on certain criteria.
EDIT – Click on the Pencil directly under Actions to view the details or edit the Coupon.
Sort coupons – To sort coupons or columns you can click on any of the header of the columns.

Clone a Coupon – If you want to clone the settings from an existing Coupon set up you can do this by simply clicking the clone button shown below.

Update the Coupon Name, Coupon Code and any other criteria which might be different for the new code. Click SUBMIT when you are done.
Note – the only required change on a clone will be the Coupon Code
A Blue Bar across the top of the page will remind you that you are on the new/cloned coupon until you Submit
You can hide expired coupons to clean up the list, by clicking HIDE EXPIRED COUPONS.